Media Interview Training

You have talked all your life; you answer questions every day; you have attended hundreds of meetings; and you’ve been appointed or volunteered to be a spokesperson on many occasions.  

So why do you need training to do the same thing live on air?

Because the game goes very fast, the goalposts keep moving,  and nerves, or unfamiliarity, or pressure make it very hard to score!

Media interview training shows you how to plan your strategy and deliver your message in a calm, confident and memorable way. It helps you to understand the journalist’s game plan, and allows you to respond with an effective one of your own.

How we can help

At Gavin Duffy & Associates, our programme is delivered by expert business and media training coaches, Gavin Duffy and Orlaith Carmody.

The emphasis on each session steers towards the practical as participants are put through a series of ‘live’ interviews which are later expertly assessed. Participants will understand that the media is not out to get you, but to get a story.


At the end of the programme, participants will have a fail-safe messaging strategy for every media encounter along with the skills to deliver it.

The objective of our programme is to equip participants with the necessary skills, not only to survive encounters with the media but more positively, to confidently work with the media as an asset to the organisation. 

Topics covered during the session

Coping with nerves
Making a positive start
Taking control
Handling interruptions
Getting your message  across
Being memorable
Dealing with crossfire
Giving quotable quotes
Having the last word

Contact Gavin Duffy & Associates

Inquire about a training session to suit your business needs by clicking the Contact Us button to get in touch or call us on +353 (41) 9829673

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