Every day at Gavin Duffy & Associates, we have the opportunity to meet with many ambitious and talented men and women, at the top of their game, leading their teams, and achieving real greatness. What is so special about these men and women? Are they born with leadership qualities, or did they discover and nurture these skills over time?
The famous ‘What’s for you won’t pass you’ quote is very often wheeled out before a significant event in your life and for many years I agreed. Now, I realise that successful people make their own luck and take necessary steps every day to achieve the goals that shape their success. So, what steps can you take to awaken the leader within?
Managing Director of Gavin Duffy & Associates, Orlaith Carmody, recently discussed this topic at two events. (Image Networking Breakfast Series and William Fry Counsel Connect Seminar) Orlaith told both audiences that Authentic Leadership is not about titles or positions or flowcharts, it’s simply about one life influencing another. (Quote from John C Maxwell).
So how can you begin to influence your colleagues and position yourself as a leader people want to follow?
1. You have got to get up, dress up, show up and put yourself forward for things you may have avoided in the past. Say yes to delivering the keynote, offer to be the key spokesperson for the media interview, show off your negotiating skills during the pitch for that big contract. You will never get noticed or achieve your full leadership potential if you sit in the corner and keep your head down. You need to put yourself out there and give your colleagues the opportunity to see you as that great leader who can take charge and is brave enough to rise to the challenge time and time again.

2. Try something new. It’s said that a change is as good as a rest, so if there is a project or activity that you feel would benefit your organisation, why not bring it up at the next meeting and take ownership. Go the extra mile and show your colleagues how committed you are to leading and making a difference within your organisation. Diversity and Inclusion is a topic high on the priority list for many large companies in Ireland. Leadership teams in some of Ireland’s largest organisations are re-establishing their strategies, values and goals around the community we are today and not the community we once were in the past. Why not become that person who creates the new diversity and inclusion committee in your organisation, showcasing not only your passion for the company but your willingness to lead. Nominate yourself as that person who takes the first steps in making significant improvements within the organisation and reap the rewards.

3. Be true to you. Dig deep and find out what you truly believe in. What are your goals, your principles, ideals or moral code? Before you can ask someone to follow you, you need to know why they should follow you, and therefore, working on developing your own core values, goals and mission is vital. In a world where everything is filtered and processed, we are crying out for authenticity and authentic leaders. Becoming an authentic leader is not easy and you really need to delve in to find out what you really stand for. Sometimes you might not like what you see, and if that’s the case you need to be willing to work hard to become the best version of you, one that inspires and ultimately influences others to want to achieve great things with you.

You have the choice to become a great leader. Make your choice today and reap the rewards tomorrow.
Looking to develop your Leadership skills? Contact our office today for a free consultation on 041-9829673 or email info@gavinduffyandassociates.com